An Oldie But A Goodie.
I sometimes go for walks in the afternoons and look around the place with a bit of money in my pocket; just to see what the charity shops in my walking-distance area are offering up. And I found this darling little old purse that has been used lovingly. When I bought it, I found that some caring Mum had swiped liquid paper on both sides and wrote her child's name on it so they wouldn't lose it. However, what she didn't think was how hard it was to remove that now very old liquid paper.
Once home, I had to scrub at it hard with warm water and bi-carb to get the liquid paper off and make it as new-looking as possible. Now, it's a dear little coin purse that doesn't carry that much folding money, but would carry a nice amount of coinage if I needed it. And I know that coin purses are not made in the olive green anymore; so this was really a good catch for this day!
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