This little beauty was also bought at the Redland Bay Life Line store. I found it in the same shop as the one below and thought it the most beautiful little purse I've ever laid eyes on! And look at that colour! The red is just so beautiful and it wasn't dirty either; and the best part I found was that the inside was absolutely pristine!
When Mum and I were driving home, she told me that the hard purses like these ones were called Lipstick Purses. The reason being is because ladies would put their lipsticks inside them and take them to the Ladie's to touch up their lip colour at a restaurant instead of taking their whole handbag or pocketbook. It made it look less like they were putting on make up and more like they were taking a mini-purse with them.
Last week, I was at the Redland Bay Life Line while my Mum was off doing something else. While there, I rummaged through their box of small items and came up with this darling little purse. Her imaged jumped straight out at me as something I just had to have. The inside of the purse is in beautiful condition and I have been using it for a few days and have found it holds a lot of money.
I'm so please I found her; and she cost under $4.00. I do love little purses like these ones when they're in this kind of condition and I don't have to do too much to them; except use them, of course.
I've been trying to think of a way to introduce this one here. However, it's been difficult exactly how to describe it, so I'll tell you who bought it and work from there. My Mum bought this with her first pay packet and gave it as a gift to my Grandmother; who thought it was too good to use. However, it did get used each time they had to go out into the city for an occasion. People commented on how lovely the bag looked. Then, one
day, Mum noticed the pearls on one side of the bag had disappeared and had been lost.
A few months ago, Mum brought this box out of her room and showed me gorgeous, delicate bag and told me the above story. However, I'm amazed the bag didn't suffer more damage than the pearls disappearing seeing what it was made of. I love this little bag and have no intention of parting with it. And thought to share its beauty with you.
These two are from a store I frequent for unusual and gifts when I'm not sure what to buy for people. Whether it be a wedding or birthday, I normally find the perfect gift for the right person right here at Oxfam; and it turns into a favourite very quickly.However, I thought to showcase these two coin purses in this one post as they are both from this the same store and are made in similar ways.
The first rectangular one caught my eye because of its strips and how nicely made it is. I use it once in a while when I'm out and about at the market; but never when I'm doing the groceries. In a purse for that, I need more room; and this purse doesn't allow for that.
The second purse I bought for its uniqueness. Because it's round and its design would have taken a bit of skill to make, I picked it up straight away. Also, I love the colours. They're so vibrant and pretty too! However, I've found this one is better for smaller currency and not so good with folding money and that's unfortunate; unless that's what you're looking for.