Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Three Little Coin Purses

Today, I vowed to myself that I wouldn't buy anything too big at Life Line; and you know?  I didn't.  I found three coin purses and bought them... and that was it.  Well, okay, a coin purse and two wallets, but then, who's being specific?  It turned out to be a good day just to look around anyway and not buy anything in the place and I would have been happy with nothing.
Anyway, I did spot this Paul Frank coin purse in the window of the cabinet and absolutely had to have it.  It's the cutest colour and is just lovely.  However, the monkey really isn't the most attractive thing on it, is it?  But being a designer piece makes it the most collectable thing around and that's why I bought it for $2.
Then,I spotted the 'Wonka' wallet!  And what a find!  I'm all for Willy Wonka things and chocolate (it's lovely to eat Wonka chocolate when I do get to buy it once in a while), but this wallet is just the best!  It reminds me of the movie that Gene Wilder was in - you know, the first one? - I love that one.  It was so much fun.
Then, there was this wallet.  I found it interesting, but I don't know much about it.  So, I bought it.  The design on the front isn't DC Comics, but it looks very animated; and thus the reason for my purchase of it.  But it's a solid little wallet.  So, there you go, the three little things I found at Life Line.  What have you found for a bargain lately?  Until my next post, happy bargain hunting.


  1. I love the wonka coin purse. Just adorable!

    1. It's such a cute one, isn't it? This is why I love collecting these things... there's so many different varieties of them and not enough space for us to keep them. :)
