Sunday, May 27, 2012

Huge Rockaway Sale!

Over the last two weeks, there's a been a sale going on at Rockaway at Springwood where they had 30% off everything!  I kid you not!  So, last Thursday was the day I thought to get myself into gear and shuffle my butt over to the place and see what was left for me to pick over.  Okay, so I left it until the second-last day to go, but I found some great bargains!  There were still some bags on sale lining the walls, t-shirts, plenty of vinyls, key-chains and other things - all things - were all on sale for me nab!
I search for - and found - a Joni Mitchell album 'The World of Joni Mitchell' which was $25.00 and had been brought down to $15.00.  Then, there was a New Zealand pressing of The Beatles 'Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band' that was $45.00 (but I put it back) and went looking for some Queen instead and didn't find anything that I could afford.  So, I grabbed a bag off the wall of The Beatles 'Abbey Road' for $39.99 and took it and the Joni Mitchell vinyl to the counter.  Scott - the owner of the store surprised me with the total - and I went and nabbed The Beatles album after all!  What should have been $99.99 came down to $69.99!  How cool was that???  I walked away a happy customer and vowing to never leave one of their sales to the last minute ever again!  Until my next post, happy bargain hunting!

Tested:  The afternoon I bought the bag, I tested it out and found it worked a lot better when the strap was pulled up short as the bag itself rested comfortably against my hip, no matter what was inside it.  And seeing it has a zip-up section and two front open sections, it's nice and easy to put your purse or wallet into a deeper pocket and your ipod into the shallower pocket and still know it's safe; as the whole front section flaps over it all and seals down with velcroe.  All in all, a nice bag to carry.  I'll use it again soon.

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