Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Found What I Wasn't Looking For

I was in Life Line today when I got talking to another customer there.  She was lovely and we began chatting about overseas travel.  Our conversation changed and moved over various subject as we walked around and I spotted a few things where there were only single glasses from entire sets on the shelves.  I told her that my Mum had set of the single glass that was sitting on the shelves; and she smiled saying her Mum does too and it's such a pity they don't make glass with gold around the rim or pretty patterns or pictures on them anymore; and it's all found in charity stores like this one.
Well, I got into looking at the books and the lady found she had no money and had to go to the bank. So we said our farewells and I continued to browse the store where I found two books.  The first one was 'At Home With The Templetons' by Monica McInerney and which looked brand new only read a few times.  This book was published only two years ago.  Then I came across this gorgeous little book called 'The Naughty Book for Girls' by Candice Hill
and I thought it would be an interesting read about what kind of girl - naughty or not - I am.  These two books came to around $9.00.  As I was about to pay for them, I turned around the looked up at the bags hanging from the ceiling and found a bag that looked amazing!  It's a backpack
that I thought would do well down the coast or as a carry-all into the city.  So, I asked to look at it; and found it was perfect for what I wanted; at just the right price too!  So, what have you found over the last week or so that's well worth the hunt?  Let us all know and leave a comment, I would love to hear from you.  Until my next post, happy bargain hunting! 

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